Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Industry Review Portfoilo Pieces

Fall 2020 - Portfolio

Week 1: Solidify Designs for 2 "Toys" & Low Poly
Week 2: Hi-Poly Sculpting
Week 3: Finish Hi-Poly and Optimize for 3D Printing

Week 1: Model Blockout
Week 2: Complete Low-Poly and Start Hi-Poly
Week 3: Complete High-Poly, Work on Topology and First Bake
Week 4: Texture and Material Blockout
Week 5: Final Texturing and Rendering

Week 1: Complete Low-Poly
Week 2: Small Hi-poly, & Topology
Week 3: First Bake & Texturing
Week 4: Final Texturing and Rendering

In addition to these larger portfolio items I will also be working on an assortment of micro-environments and props.
Micro-Environments & Props: Pinterest

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Summer Series: Hippie Camp

Tris: 32k

Final Notes:

So Mid-texturing I noticed the proportion of the front windows to the van is off and I need to raise their position a bit more. I also need to do another texture pass on the van to get the grunge effect of the paint coming off. Overall I would like to go in and add more ground detail like specs of grass and some color breakup. 

Things I would like to do to make this better:

                - Add smoke and small fire to campfire
                - Add Grass and color breakup to ground
                - Adjust window proportions
                - Another texture pass on van for the paint peeling
                - Adjust text on signs and plate to match concept more

Monday, June 8, 2020

Summer Series: Crawfish Hut (Week 4)

  • I had some technical issues towards the end of the project, and did not get the fish and the shrimp to the level of quality I was wanting to achieve.
  • Also, my computer badly crashed and wiped a lot of my files so I do not have my completed wicker basket and rice bags.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Summer Series: Crawfish Hut (Week 3)

First Texture Pass
  • Crab on top of shack has some baking issues I will need to address and I need to work on the coloration of the crab.
  • I am very much happy with the first pass of the sign, will continue to make minor tweeks
  • Wasn't able to get sculpts of shrimp and fish from zbrush

Monday, April 20, 2020

Mystic Building WIP

There were a lot of small details that never made it into my model, that I am planning to add in over break, and I would also like to spend some more time working on the textures and overall layout.

Industry Review Portfoilo Pieces