Monday, June 8, 2020

Summer Series: Crawfish Hut (Week 4)

  • I had some technical issues towards the end of the project, and did not get the fish and the shrimp to the level of quality I was wanting to achieve.
  • Also, my computer badly crashed and wiped a lot of my files so I do not have my completed wicker basket and rice bags.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Summer Series: Crawfish Hut (Week 3)

First Texture Pass
  • Crab on top of shack has some baking issues I will need to address and I need to work on the coloration of the crab.
  • I am very much happy with the first pass of the sign, will continue to make minor tweeks
  • Wasn't able to get sculpts of shrimp and fish from zbrush

Industry Review Portfoilo Pieces